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Bear Mountain
Consulting Group

Security for Safer Communities

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Our Mission

The Mission of Bear Mountain Consulting Group is to promote safety through education and professional partnerships.

Founder Kevin Martinez started his career in Law Enforcement July 2009 in Westchester County, New York, later transferring to the Metro-Atlanta area in Georgia. He served as a Field Training Officer and Police Instructor, specializing in de-escalation, less-lethal tools, and defensive tactics. Most recently, he rose through the ranks and served as a Sergeant with the City of Brookhaven Police Department, playing a vital role in the agency’s leadership development, police training courses, and community outreach efforts. Kevin retired from Law Enforcement and now serves as the Manager for Law Enforcement Partnerships with MovementForward, Inc. 

Bear Mountain Consulting Group was built to improve quality of life through education, and increase the sense of safety and security for all people. The Bear Mountain was a local site he visited when he was younger and the route he used to travel back and forth from the police academy. 


"Bear Mountain reminds me of home and the sense of safety and community I felt growing up."







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